PHP stands for (Hypertext Preprocessor), IT works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a powerful scripting language for developing a web applications. IT is used to develop dynamic and interactive webpages. IT is open source Language, why it is open source because we don’t have to buy any license version of PHP also it is freely update all the latest version of PHP.

Introduction Of PHP –

As we know there are different programming languages are develop day but problem solving. Here in according to requirement of web application development programming language. this topic we are discussing about development and for there are different programming languages are support to develop web applications lie, jsp etc. but here we are discuss about open source programming language which is widely used for web application development and it is PHP.

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About PHP –

PHP stands for (Hypertext Preprocessor), IT works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a powerful scripting language for developing a web applications. IT is used to develop dynamic and interactive webpages. IT is open source Language, why it is open source because we don’t have to buy any license version of PHP also it is freely update all the latest version of PHP.

We can directly download it and use it for developing an application. PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. We can use PHP syntax inside the HTML tag also we can write HTML tag inside the PHP program syntax.IT is also known as a Server-side Scripting language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. So anyone who has basic programming knowledge can switch over on this language. PHP scripts are executed on the server. It is a interpreted language, means while you execute PHP program the syntax of PHP are interpreted by webserver in form of request on webserver and give response. PHP supports many databases MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.

It takes information from clients or user and stores it or matches it with database. It redirects from one webpage to another based on action and also bring value from one page to another. It can set session and cookies for user authentication and user’s unique 1dentification.IT retrieve XAML data and Json data. It is also work with JavaScript for handle clients request on its own browser.IT support web-services and also call api.

There are four kind of programming languages .

1. Procedural Programming Language –

The procedural programming language is used to execute a sequence of statements which lead to a result. Typically, this type of programming language uses multiple variables, heavy loops and other elements, which separates them from functional programming languages. Functions of procedural language may control variables, other than function’s value returns. For example, printing out information.

2. Functional Programming Language –

Functional programming (FP) is the process of building software by composing pure functions. In such programming language programmer will develop different sequence of functions rather than statements like procedural language. Each function takes in an input value and returns a consistent output value without altering or being affected by program state. These functions complete a single operation and can be composed n sequence to complete complex operations, This programming code is highly modular ,because functions can reused throughout the program and it will work with suitable parameters and call at any time where programmer will wont also return equal outputs.

3.Object Oriented Programming Language –

The focus of OOP programming is not on structure but on modelling a data. It is classify with real world entity and divided into class and objects. It is highly extensible programming language. It is also provide data security. IT is reusable and accessible by their behaviour. OOP languages permit higher level of abstraction for solving real-life problems. This language follows bottom-up approach.

4. Scripting Language –

A scripting language is a computer language that doesn’t have to be compiled. One advantage of scripting languages is that the code can be quickly edited and re-executed. They are used in a variety of manners including on the client side of web applications, on the server side of web applications. A script, short for scripting language, is a programming language like any other, and may be similar in nature to other languages such as C, C++ or Java. The primary difference between a scripting language and other A scripting language is a computer language that doesn’t have to be compiled. One advantage of scripting languages is that the code can be quickly edited and re-executed. programming languages is that a program written in a scripting language is interpreted rather than compiled. In interpreted languages, the text we create that contains our commands is read by an interpreter that does the conversion to machine code itself, as it is running the script. The text here is still human-readable and does not have to be recompiled if a change is made. Such kind of scripting languages are popular now a days JavaScript, PHP, Python, ruby, Perl.

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Advantages of PHP

Open source It is open source, means it is free of cost to download and ready
from its official website
Cross Platformwe can install PHP in any operating system like Windows, Linux etc
remains same code if you transfer source code from any operating system.
Easy to LearnPHP scripting language is easy to understand. It’s all syntax is borrow
from basic C language so User can easily understand it and also well organised. All he
inbuilt functions are also easy to understand
Flexible LanguageThis scripting language more flexible than other scripting language
finish your project and then you want to make changes in that project you can
easily work on that project to rebuild.
Efcient PerformanceDepending on how the web developer codes, PHP has the
potential to turn in an efficient language

Disadvantages of PHP

SecuritySince it is open sourced, all people can see the source code. If there are bugs
the source code, it can be used by people to explore the weakness of it
Not suitable of large applicationsIt will be difficult to use it for programinins
applications. Since the programming language is not highly modular, huge applce
Created out of the programming language will be difficult to maintain
Weak Typewhich can cause incorrect data and knowledge to user
Poor Error Handling MethodThe framework has a bad error handling method. I
\not proper solution for the developers. Therefore, as a qualified PHP developer

What is PHP?

PHP stands for (Hypertext Preprocessor), IT works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a powerful scripting language for developing a web applications..

Why PHP?

It takes information from clients or user and stores it or matches it with database. It redirects from one webpage to another based on action and also bring value from one page to another.

What is PHP File?

PHP file contains PHP program syntax HTML tags and other supportive scripting
language. PHP files are interpreted by browser, after interpretation it will show the result
in form of HTML design or Plain text. PHP programming files are save with extension
“php”,”.php3″ or “phtml”.




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