How to Define Operators in PHP 2024

How to Work Operators in PHP 2024

Operators are used in programming and scripting language to do some arithmetic programming language and also it used in same manner. Operators perform operation on calculations also used for some logical functionality. In PHP operators are same as other variable and values. In any kind of operation there are two things are used operator and operand. For example 5+5 in this statement 5 is consider as a operand and + is consider as an…
How to Install and work with Xampp Server 2.0

How to Install and work with Xampp Server 2.0

To start work with XAMPP you need to install it first. You can install it from application which gives you its exe file. It is easy to install different versions of XAMPP from it's official website After downloading its latest version you need to install the file, after installing a file you will see the XAMPP control panel. xampp control panel You can see the different service list in control panel, for PHP…


PHP stands for (Hypertext Preprocessor), IT works with Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a powerful scripting language for developing a web applications. IT is used to develop dynamic and interactive webpages. IT is open source Language, why it is open source because we don't have to buy any license version of PHP also it is freely update all the latest version of PHP. Introduction Of PHP - As we know there are different programming…