New Revolution is just beginning in E-Commerce

New Revolution is just beginning in E-Commerce

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products online, but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the internet. Whereas e-business refers to all aspects of operating an online business, ecommerce…

Unique Power of Clustering In 2024

Cluster analysis or simply clustering is the process of partitioning a set of abstract data objects (or observations) into subsets. Each subset is a cluster, such that objects in a cluster are similar to one another, yet dissimilar to objects in other clusters. Overview Of Basic Clustering Methods:Partitioning methods:Hierarchical methods: Agglomerative versus Divisive Hierarchical Clustering:Density-based methods:DBSCAN algorithm requires two parameters: The set of clusters resulting from a cluster analysis can be referred to as a…

New Trick Data Mining In Grid-Based and K-Means Methods

Grid-based methods quantize the object space into a finite number of cells that form a grid structure. All the K-Means clustering operations are performed on the grid structure (i.e., on the quantized space). New Trick Data Mining In Grid-Based and K-Means Methods  K-Means: A Centroid based technique: Data Mining Applications:Data Mining for Financial Data Analysis - Design and construction of data warehouses for multidimensional data analysis and Data mining:Classification and clustering of customers for targeted marketing:Detection…
Easy 5 Steps To Data Cleaning

Easy 5 Steps To Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is one of the important parts of machine learning. It plays a significant part in building a model. Data Cleaning is one of those things that everyone does but no one really talks about. It surely isn't the fanciest part of machine learning and at the same time, there aren't any hidden tricks or secrets to uncover. However, proper data cleaning can make or break your project. Professional data scientists usually spend…
How To Optimizing Software Testing Processes and Standards 2.0

How To Optimizing Software Testing Processes and Standards 2.0

Most organization set standards for documentation and coding for their ease communication convenience within the internal staff of the organization, Documentation standards are set of rules of preparing documentation. Documentation Standards specifies how to capture information of the particular test and its result. Documentation Standards: Most organization set standards for documentation and coding for their ease communication convenience within the internal staff of the organization, Documentation standards are set of rules of preparing documentation.…
How To Mastering in Test Planning & Management

How To Mastering in Test Planning & Management

Testing itself is considered to be a unique project on its own., planning, execution, tracking and periodical reporting is essential. In this chapter we will see how can we plan to manage all these activities, so that the effective testing can be done in the designated time period. Every project has definite beginning and definite end. The product or service is different in some distinguish way from all similar products or services. Because of…
How To Understand System Testing: Levels, Techniques, Recovery

How To Understand System Testing: Levels, Techniques, Recovery

System testing is defined as a testing phase conducted on the complete integrated system, to evaluate the system compliance with its specified requirements. A system is complete set of integrated components that together deliver product functionality and features. System Testing: Overview A system can also be defined as a set of hardware, software and other parts that together provide product features and solutions. On the functional side, system testing focus on real-life customer usage…
unit testing

How To Work Unit Testing Unveiled: Levels & Techniques

The system development phases involve many activities where chances of human errors are huge with unit testing. Logical error, carelessness, improper communication, the need to hurry through the whole process of software development due to time constraint, cost constraint etc. The system must be tested thoroughly so that such errors are detected and corrected ae soon as possible. The systems are not designed as entire system and they are not tested as a single…
path testing & static testing

How To Define Dynamic Insights: Path Testing & Static Techniques

This method is the oldest structural testing technique. It is based on the control structure of the path testing program. Based on the control structure. a flow graph is prepared and all the possible paths can be covered and executed during testing. This method is useful for detecting more errors. However, if a program contains loops may have an infinite number of possible paths and it is not practical to test all the paths.…
decision table

How To Use Decoding Decision Tables & White-Box Testing

Decision Tables in boundary value analysis and equivalence class partitioning do not consider combinations of input conditions, but consider each input separately. A decision table is a good way to test the system behaviour for different combination of inputs It is useful to determine the test scenarios for complex business logic. It is a systematic approach where the different input combinations and their corresponding system behaviour are captured in a tabular form. This table…